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Step by Step Guide to Decorating Your Client's Homes

Hopefully by now you have decided that you have a great passion and desire to become an interior designer or decorator and you have checked out the ebook How to Break Into the Interior Design Industry, you have requested information from our online interior design school we recommend, you purchased a floor plan program, and have visited our office supply section and set up your office.

Now let's talk about the actual mechanics of decorating a client's home. The things you will learn in school often times don't always click or come together until you actually start designing and do several jobs. This is how it was for me. I knew all the elements, principals and the history of furniture but when it came to putting it all together in a normal practical way it took several years to learn.

After I had been designing client's homes for years I decided to put together a guide to help people design their homes in a step by step way. This step by step plan is called The Decorating Bible.

It guides the would be interior designer on how to get organized, how to stay organized, how to design a floor plan, how to select furniture, how to select colors, how to place artwork and accessories and how to put a room together from start to finish without going crazy.

This is important to you as you become a designer because it will give you a step by step guide that you can use to complete design projects with comfort and ease. For a small fee of $19.99 with a 30 day money back guarantee, you will get a working knowledge quickly.

Click the buy now button to order The Decorating Bible and get an edge up in all of your new decorating projects.

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